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Volume 1, No. 5 - October 2001

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Editor's Note:
Due to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on United States of America, this edition of Kashmir Herald will not feature all its regular themes. In light of the recent Islamic Terrorist Acts, this edition focuses on the root causes of international terrorism. Based on our extensive research, in this issue we are focusing on and exposing the Role of State of Pakistan in sponsoring International Terrorism.

It is ironic that just two weeks before this horrendous tragedy occurred, we had requested the Policy Makers of India and United States to take note of growing menace of Islamic Terrorism and act against the same. (Refer 'Combating Islamic Terrorism: Time for Words is Over')

We will be back with our regular features in our next issue.


Cries Of Kashmiri Hindu - Victims of Islamic Terrorism: Is Anyone Listening Now?
Editorial Team

Is anyone listening to our screams for help now? After the September 11 tragic events in USA at World Trade Center and Pentagon where so many innocent lives were snuffed out in fraction of a second, we do hope someone is listening now.


Kashmir Herald and its staff condemns the cowardly, dastardly and heinous acts of terror perpetrated by Islamic Terrorists on September 11, 2001 on American soil. In this time of national tragedy, we share the grief of the victims' families and pray to Supreme Almighty to give rest and peace to all those souls whose lives were shortened by this tragic devastation.


Is Musharraf Walking Into A US Trap?
Subodh Atal, Lalit Koul, Sunil Fotedar

Grim as the situation might seem today for the Taliban, Pakistani dictator Musharraf and the Pakistani nation have much more to lose in the coming conflict.

War Against Terrorism
Sunanda Vashisht

Everything seemed perfectly normal when I woke up on Tuesday morning. The usual hurry to get to work, usual rush to beat the peak time traffic, and usual eagerness to be part of the rat race.

There is an increasing awareness internationally that militarised Islamist groups pose a serious challenge to the democratic and civilised order. So much so that some strategists like Samuel Huntington have gone to the extent of suggesting that 'clash of civlisations' was at hand.

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