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Volume 1, No. 5 - October 2001

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Is Musharraf Walking Into A US Trap?
Subodh Atal, Lalit Koul, Sunil Fotedar

Grim as the situation might seem today for the Taliban, Pakistani dictator Musharraf and the Pakistani nation have much more to lose in the coming conflict. Pakistan had little choice but to cooperate when Uncle Sam came knocking a couple of days after the WTC and Pentagon attacks. The decision Musharraf had to make must have torn at his and his nation’s heart. For separating the Taliban and the Bin Laden-led terrorist network from Pakistan is akin to separating a child from its mother.

War Against Terrorism
Sunanda Vashisht

Everything seemed perfectly normal when I woke up on Tuesday morning. The usual hurry to get to work, usual rush to beat the peak time traffic, and usual eagerness to be part of the rat race. I as usual had no time to watch morning news edition on the television. I started my car as I bit on my sandwich and almost mechanically switched on the radio. And then my world came to a stop.

There is an increasing awareness internationally that militarised Islamist groups pose a serious challenge to the democratic and civilised order. So much so that some strategists like Samuel Huntington have gone to the extent of suggesting that 'clash of civlisations' was at hand. Some of the attacks carried out by these radical Islamic groups against western targets have been manipulated by the US to project itself as the primary target of world terrorism. This, despite the fact that over the past fifteen years there have been only seven terrorist strikes involving the loss of American lives of which Oklahoma bombing was essentially a case of internal terrorism

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