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Volume 3, No. 12 - June 2004

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Letters to Editor

Dear Editor,

When Lal Kishen Advani launched his bus yatra, BJP was hoping to bring the people of India towards Rama and win the election. But the bus yatra took a detour and ended up from Rama to Roma. A Roman Catholic woman, Sonia Maino Gandhi, of modest background won the election instead. How could the bus yatra have misfired so badly for the BJP? Earlier when former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee went on a bus yatra to Lahore it's tires were deflated by Shareef Badmash Musharraf and it ended in Kargil. From Rama to Roma requires only one change of alphabet, replacing a with o and the exact number of alphabets between a and o is of course thirteen. So how come the BJP and it's famous astrologers failed to see the significance of thirteen? Interestingly BJP wanted hocus pocus Astrology to be taught more in Universites in this age.

What the holy Roman Empire under the various Caesars' could not achieve, the conquest and rule over India, a small time Italian woman has achieved. All without any use of force, but with genuine love of Indians, fairly in an election. There are lessons for all people of the world and specially for Americans and their British allies. In 1947, when the British were driven out of India the British administrators had remarked to their Indian subordinates that in "fifty years we will be back to run this country, you Indians will not be able to run it". Perhaps it can be excused as an emotional outburst by the British upon having to give up 200 years rule in India. But they were neither completely wrong. It is after 57 years that a European born and raised Italian woman is going to run India for the next foreseeable future, followed by her children.

If this is not "tryst of destiny" then what is? BJP's President Venky Naidu commenting after the defeat could only say that Sonia Gandhi's victory was like a "ladoo". He certainly will need many more "ladoos" to cope up with the coming depression amongst his party men and "Jhunjunwalas" once the leftists begin to change the management of the country's business reforms. For the BJP, the "feel good, feel good" has turned to "feel bad, very bad". In fact it went from the dizzy heights of corporate call of "India shining" to getting kicked out by the shoe shining electorate.

H. Kalsi
New Jersey, USA

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