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Volume 2, No. 1 - June 2002

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Musharraf’s Speech: A Lurch To The Brink

Subodh Atal, Ph. D.

Every Indian as well as all concerned people in the rest of the civilized word awaited Gen. Musharraf’s May 27 speech with bated breath, much more so than his Jan. 12 speech. Even the most diehard nationalist Hindu perhaps hoped that the General would offer some compromise, something that the Indian leadership could take back to its people as a rationale for deescalating........More...

Walk the Talk
Lalit Koul

A two year old baby is lying in his bed and sipping milk from his bottle. His mother is telling him stories about his father, who is a soldier and has decided to give up his life for his country. She is telling him how brave his father is and how proud he is of his service to his nation.................................More...

Summits won’t help to solve Kashmir problem
Krishna Kannan, Ph.D

Another proposal for an Indo-Pakistan summit at Almaty, Central Asia, has been put forward to diffuse the tensions in South Asia. Now Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to mediate between India and Pakistan.  He is right about one thing: we are on the brink and therefore the situation can spiral out of control......More...

Whose war is it anyway?
Sunanda Vashisht

We are probably going through what can be termed as the roughest week in the Indo Pak relations. With the War clouds hovering in the air and the war hysteria reaching its peak everybody is asking the same question ‘ What next’ Having fought three bitter wars already without any solution................More...

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