Real Axis of Evil
Editorial Team
he recent designation of Pakistan as
US's major non-NATO ally is another example of US State department's
shortsighted foreign policy. It is shocking that US policy makers have not
learnt a single lesson even from such a grave tragedy as 9/11. In spite of
losing 3000 lives on 9/11/2001, American foreign policy makers are busy
pampering the very same people who were the masterminds of 9/11. The current
State department has mortgaged its foreign policy to Pakistani military
J&K: Shifting
Strategy of Subversion
K. P. S. Gill
There are dramatic signs of shifting strategies in the covert war in
Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), as Pakistan reorients its position to take
advantage of the rising sentiment in favour of peace, even as it seeks
to sustain terrorism on Indian soil......more...
Empty Chairs,
George Orwell, George W. Bush and the War on Terror
Subodh Atal
Addressing a press
conference where no reporters are present isn't the most significant
sign of the Orwellian nature of today's US policies. But it is certainly
symbolic of the dangerous level of obfuscation, self-delusion and lying
that the administration resorts to in continuing the charade that it is
carrying out a real "war on terror". .......more...
Cricket Diplomacy
and Ceasefires
Lalit Koul
Vajpayee's unilateral
declaration of truce with Pakistan is pre-mature and unfortunate.
Unilateral truces never work and we have ample history to prove that. On
one hand, Vajpayee keeps giving in and on
another hand Musharraf keeps raising the ante about Kashmir......more...
J&K: Elections, Again
Praveen Swami
Campaign 2004 has already claimed its first life.
Pakistan, of course, has good reason to allow - or even encourage -
terrorists to proceed with their anti-election coercion.
What Pakistan chooses to do, of course, depends on just how much
pressure the international community is actually able to bring to bear
on it. It is at least possible that the recent institutional
encouragement offered to Pakistan by the United States of America could
translate into a more aggressive posture on J&K.....more...
The Enemy Within
Kanchan Lakshman
President Pervez
Musharraf's call for an 'enlightened moderation' in Pakistan is, if
events in the past few months are any indication, threatened by the very
forces that have long been nurtured by successive regimes in the
country. Recurrent Islamist violence, it appears, will remain a
significant element in the churning process within Pakistan in the
proximate future.....more...
B. Raman
Gen.Pervez Musharraf,
Pakistan's US-blessed military dictator, continues to assert, without
any fears of contradiction or punitive action by the US, that the action
of a group of scientists of Pakistan headed by A.Q.Khan in clandestinely
selling or transfering military nuclear technology to Iran, Libya and
North Korea was a rogue operation without the knowledge or approval of
the political or military leadership of the country.......more...
Muslim Rule, Hindu
Diaspora and India?
Vinod Kumar
Muslims today form a large percentage of India's population -- even a
larger percentage if one was talking of British India -- but no one,
including the Muslims, will claim that Islam is indigenous to India. A
large presence of Islam in India does not make it of Indian origin. The
same is true of the Muslims. Before the Muslims came to India from
foreign countries, there were hardly any local converts to Islam........more...