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Package for a Price - Time for Action

After much dilly-dallying the Jammu and Kashmir government has announced the implementation of a special package for the Kashmiri Pandits living in exile for the last two decades. As a matter of fact, the relief and rehabilitation package was first unveiled by Prime Minister Mr Manmohan Singh himself when he visited the state last year. However, Mr Abdul Rahim Rather, Finance Minister informed the state Assembly last month that the government will provide 15,000 jobs in public and private sector, and financial package of Rs 7.5 lakhs for renovation and reconstruction of houses to Kashmiri Pandits who are willing to return to valley. So far, all was well but the condition-after return to valley- has raised many eye brows and attracted all round criticism.

Evidently, the package lacks empathy as the return this time around wouldn’t only make Kashmiri Pandits vulnerable to militant attacks but lead to another uprootment. Moreover, the ground level conditions suggest that there has been no significant decline in terrorist violence and infiltration from Pakistan side. The revival of militant attacks have not only sent disturbing signals to security brass only but to higher echelons of power as well.

The conditional package has created a realization among Kashmiri Pandits that the state government is not sincere in implementing the scheme conceived by the Centre for mitigating the sufferings of the community but is playing political games. Almost all the Kashmiri Pandit organizations have turned down the package as they don’t want it to be linked with return. They have also refused to cooperate with the Apex Committee formed on September 15 to monitor the effective implementation of Rs 1,618 crore taking it as a process of political blackmailing.

Kashmiri Pandits aver that instead of constituting Apex Committee the Government should be sincere in implementing employment package with age relaxation and enhancement of cash relief etc. to regain the confidence of the community. There is no denying the fact that many of the Kashmiri Pandits, are living in a pitiable condition in camps in Jammu, Delhi and some other places. Keeping in view the above facts the government must desist form such policies and show a humane approach to the problems of the displaced Pandits who are leading an exiled life for the last more than 20 years now.

It is unfortunate that Pandits are on roads for last several weeks protesting against the Government’s apathy towards employment, relief etc but there was no one from the government side to visit them and work out an amicable solution. Amazingly, instead of settling their problems of unemployment and enhancement of cash relief etc. the Government has constituted the Apex Committee to turn the attention from real issues. The Government must display sagacity by fulfilling the just demands of the community. This will be first confidence building measure towards the return of exiled people.

Not surprisingly, while many KP organizations including Panun Kashmir, All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference and others have disassociated themselves from the Apex Committee a plethora of other small groups are vying with each other for getting on board. The rat race for the political upmanship is likely to wreck the interests of the community.

Again, it is unfortunate that Delhi based mainline KP organizations, All India Kashmir Samaj and Kashmiri Samiti have not held any demonstration or strike in the capital city to express solidarity with hundreds of youth holding dharnas and demonstrations across Jammu. Instead of expressing their support and sympathies with their brethren fighting for community cause in Jammu they are paying courtesy visits to HM officials to fix meetings and photographic sessions. It is high time that all KP organizations come under one banner and ask for immediate relief. Otherwise the state government would, as usual, take the undue advantage of infighting among the KP leaders.

There is no denying the fact that Kashmiri Pandits’ present plight is due to the negligence of state government. If the state government has audacity to rehabilitate and resettle the militants and their families why it is dithering in rehabilitating the patriotic Kashmiri Pandits who are languishing in camps outside the valley.

This is the right time for all Kashmiri Pandit organizations to work in unison and coerce upon the centre and state government that the economic package be given to the displaced Pandits at present place and treat the return as a separate issue.

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Kashmir Herald - Package for a Price - Time for Action

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