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US unfolds 'Democracy' plan for Pakistan

Throughout the Cold War era the ‘free’ West used to warn the world about the pernicious effects of the Soviet ‘bear hug’ that choked the air of ‘freedom’. In the post-Cold War world what is becoming apparent is that the American hug—bearish or bullish—is equally perilous.

As proof, look no further than our western neighbour now groaning under Emergency rule. Democracy has always had a short life in Pakistan. Its patron-in-chief, the United States, has propped up a succession of military dictators.

The ease with which the Americans are able to interfere in Pakistan’s internal affairs is as amazing as the frequent boasts of Gen Pervez Musharraf that he would not take any ‘dictation’ from anyone. As soon as a ‘crisis’ crops up in Pakistan a high-profile US busybody jets into Islamabad to offer gratuitous counsel to their pet General and a select band of politicians.

The US deputy secretary of state, John Negroponte, was only the latest in the line of the flying American VIPs on a self-appointed but doomed mission to stop Pakistan fall off the path of democracy. Negroponte sounded blunt in his public utterances but the bottom line is that the US is not planning to cut its generous aid of arms and cash to Pakistan.

When Musharraf staged his October 1999 coup, most Pakistanis did not mind being ruled by a military man in preference to venal politicians. The honeymoon perhaps lasted longer than anticipated. But for almost two years now most Pakistanis have started seeing the General in a different light and have been yearning for democracy. Cries for the ouster of Musharraf are frequently heard. This has placed the Americans in a dilemma. Having put all their eggs in the Musharraf basket, they are reluctant to drop him even if it means that the alleged American goal of democracy eludes Pakistan. There is no firm Plan B for Pakistan though there has been a talk about it in Washington for several months.

Washington collaborated with Musharraf to create and sustain the myth of his indispensability in the so-called war on terror even after it became as clear as daylight that Musharraf is neither willing nor has the capacity to eliminate the ISI-backed terror network in his country lock, stock and barrel. The US asks no questions about the end use of the huge military equipment and cash that it regularly pumps into Islamabad. Some of it results in fighting Baluchi nationalists—with artillery and helicopter gun ships. There is no evidence that any of it is helping the cause of democracy in any part of Pakistan.

Musharraf finds it easy to bluff the willing Americans who are suitably impressed by the arrest of ‘hundreds’ of Al Qaeda fighters at the drop of a hat. The numbers are impressive as they are lucrative: Pakistan collects cash bonus for each Al Qaeda arrest. No one has ever pondered if the Al Qaeda (and Taliban) fighters fled to safe havens in Pakistan where else would they be arrested?

Musharraf has warned that the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan would fall into the hands of terrorists if the military control over Pakistan’s India-specific nuclear arsenal is lifted. This warning is a response to reports that the US has a secret plan to take out Pakistan’s nuclear weapons in the event of the country falling into the hands of religious fanatics. Musharraf resorts to this kind of clear blackmail without a worry of inviting Washington’s disapproval.

Whatever happens in Pakistan—election, Emergency or whatever--the men in uniform will continue to rule the country and the US will have no problems, public posturing not withstanding. The Americans would applaud Musharraf when he takes off his uniform. But that will surely not mark the end of military stranglehold over Pakistan. It is that kind of ‘democracy’ that the US wants in Pakistan.

The US concern for the Emergency (Martial Law?) would be exposed as totally bogus if Washington does not act tough now, not just talk tough, as Musharraf prepares to hold the polls under Emergency, with most opposition politicians save Benazir Bhutto behind bars, the media gagged and freedom to campaign denied to his opponents. The US puts some pressure on Musharraf only in the case of Benazir Bhutto because she is apparently the only politician the Americans want to do business with. Musharraf is free to deal with other opponents like Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan they way he likes. The Americans could not care less.

Musharraf has already predicted that his political opponents are doomed at the hustings. His plan for rigging the polls is ready for execution. Otherwise a publicity hunter, Musharraf would not have silenced the electronic media in his country. He has apparently arm-twisted Dubai authorities to force two Pak TV news channels that had shifted operations to avoid Musharraf wrath, to shut shop. The Americans moved in then to seek annulment of that order in Dubai. The Americans are in a hurry that some kind of election is held in Pakistan by January so that it can announce before an incredulous world that it has helped Pakistan take the path of democracy.

Musharraf justifies the Emergency saying higher judiciary, politicians and terrorists had created a situation that left him no other option. His eight-year rule has seen the once export-only item of terrorism erupt everywhere within his country. He cannot stand a judiciary that refuses to obey his orders. So he made the higher judiciary his rubber stamp. The Americans can force him to roll back the judiciary gag order. They have not yet done so. Still they swear by commitment to export of democracy.

Frankly, Washington is more eager than Islamabad to certify before the world that ‘democracy’ has returned to Pakistan. It matters little whether the uneasy and unnatural duo – Musharraf and Benazir comes to power or Musharraf stages a solo show.

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Kashmir Herald - US unfolds 'Democracy' plan for Pakistan

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