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Kashmir Herald completes 14 years of News and Analysis Reporting........Kashmir Herald thanks its readers for their support !!!

Kashmir Herald - News & Analysis from South-East Asia
A case for Quadrification of Jammu and Kashmir- Only Way forward
Last few weeks, we have witnessed the gory exposure of bigotry practiced by Mufti Sayeed led government, National Conference, Congress, terrorists, anti-national secessionists and their local supporters in the Kashmir valley. It all started with the brouh......more...

Demystifying Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits
Kashmiri Pandits have been denied justice from past 21 years. The human rights violation of Kashmiri Pandits ought to be addressed now. Kashmiri Pandits haven�t suffered physically only but culturally and psychologically also. Kashmiri Pandits have been s......more...

Thread of My Dreams
Don�t let the Kashmiri Pandits be a Refugee in his own country. The threads of the life and dreams of Kashmiri Pandit for his homeland has been turned into a intrigued web, this web needs to be sorted out at the earliest so that each thread can go in its ......more...

Hurriyat stumbles on fourth stakeholder
During six-plus decades of Kashmir issue, China generally maintained silence and let stakeholders guess what her line of thinking about this festering South Asian sore would be. Despite her close and rather clandestine relationship with Pakistan, China di......more...

Balochistan: Unrelenting Insurgency
The strategic and resource-rich Balochistan province continues to remain on the periphery of Pakistan's projects and perceptions. With both the "dialogue with those who are up in the mountains" and the counter-insurgency (CI) operations failing, the Baloc......more...

South Waziristan: Blind Fury
The Pakistan Army is reported to have wound up the first phase of Operation Rah-e-Nijat (Path to Salvation) this past weekend, having captured all major towns and villages in the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) stronghold of South Waziristan...........more...

Speeding into the Void
After much vacillation and hype, and stung by targeted attacks at its very core, the military launched its long-awaited Operation Rah-e-Nijat (Path of Salvation) late on October 16, 2009, against the Hakeemullah Mehsud-led Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) ......more...

Assassins from the Epicentre
The dangers of anarchy within Afghanistan and across areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border are predominantly sourced in Pakistan, to a far greater extent than in war-ravaged Afghanistan. The Taliban�al Qaeda combine and transnational jihadi groups b......more...

Waziristan: A Stygian Dark
After months of �preparation� � massive and often indiscriminate bombings in the region, as well as the massing of Forces, blockades and endless curfews � there are now credible reports that the Pakistan Army is poised to �storm� the principal strongholds......more...

Come Back to Afghanistan. A California Teenager's Story
by Said Hyder Akbar View Review

Shalimar the Clown
by Salman Rushdie View Review

Hizbullah. The Story From Within
by Naim Qassem View Review

Inheriting Syria. Bashar's Trial By Fire
by Flynt Leverett View Review

Tibet and China in the Twenty-First Century. Non-Violence Versus State Power
by John Heath View Review

  • OBL-FBI Chat by Dan Wasserman ......View Cartoon
  • Iran Plan by Dan Wasserman ......View Cartoon
  • Huff and Puff by Cox & Forkum ......View Cartoon
  • Nuke-Go-Round by Cox & Forkum ......View Cartoon

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