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Volume 1, No. 7 - December 2001 |
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Civilizational War |
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Civilizational War The sudden and surprise attack which ripped through the World Trade Center and tore down the part of the complex of buildings of the Pentagon in the United States, evidently administered a rude shock. American administration, had for more than three decades used the Muslims as their allies in the Cold War. The history of the evolution of pan-Islamic fundamentalism and the Islamic revolution, goes back to the time of early phases of the Cold War when the western world began planning a fresh struggle for what in called the free-word, against the ideological state, the communist world symbolized. The psychology of freedom, the Anglo-Saxon world upheld, was the mental make-up of an international system, in which the Anglo-Saxon powers had played the role of a major determinant of the balances of power, which characterized the concert of Europe or what I have called the "Consensus Imperialism". The Muslim countries of the West Asia, were never formally colonized like India, Africa, South East Asia and the Latin America. The Middle East, with its strategic importance and oil resources, in fact, formed a subsidiary alliance between the Anglo-Saxon powers and the Muslim of Asia or the middle east which was consolidated into a major power-block in between the two world wars. That was almost the pattern of colonial expansion followed by the Anglo-Saxon powers in the far East, China, Japan and Korea. The policy of open door followed by "Consensus Imperialism" promoted in China the opening of the Meiji Japan, more or less, sought imperial pacification limited to subsidiary alliance structures. The American expression of the "Consensus Imperialism" and subsidiary alliance took the form of the Monoroe Doctrine. The Monoroe Doctrine, in fact, enunciated the basic principle which bound the Latin America, the Caribbean States and entire seas around the Southern hemisphere of the American continent to the political hegemony of the United States of America. In the pattern of the emerging bipolar international relations in the aftermath of the second world war, the Muslim factor assumed a new significance. The partition of India, aimed to de-Sanskritise the Himalayas, in order to demolish the traditional Indian frontier in the north, was an expression of the western effort to link up the Muslim strains right actors the middle-East and North Africa, North of India and Western China and the tapering Muslim peoples in South East Asia. In this link-up, Pakistan was always considered to be a major epicenter, providing the whole Muslim, expanse a more stringent ideological version of Wahabi Islam, which had originated in Saudi-Arabia in the 19th century. India had come directly under the Wahabi movement and the British had suppressed Wahabism with a stern hand. But the Wahibi ideology assumed a new forum after the commencement of the liberation struggle in India in the beginning of the twentieth century. Indeed the new form actually reflected the subsidiary alliances, the Muslim power formed with the concert of Europe. Pakistan was in fact the first and most important achievement in forging a new alliance system in which the free-world of the west and Islam joined to defeat communism. The historical role played by Maharaja Hari Singh and the Hindus of Jammu and Kashmir thwarted the plot to bring the Himalayas under the Muslim hold. For four decades, the Cold War continued after the end of the Second World War. Pakistan supported by the Western powers spared no efforts to undo the accession of the State to India, with a long fifth column inside India, supporting the Pakistan's political and military maneuvers. In 1947, let the record be put straight, lest the truth is buried under the debris of what in India is called objective history, the Indian leaders stubbornly refused to include the Indian States with a hundred million people living over one-third of India in the liberation struggle against the British Colonialism. At least not till they carried the British India to the sacrificial alter of the partition and the Indian states to the brink of disaster. The Indian army which drove out the invaders of Pakistan after the Jammu and Kashmir had acceded to India, was unable to dislodge the invaders from the Muslim majority districts of the Jammu and Kashmir. It was never deployed to save Gilgit and Baltistan, due to the indecision of the Indian leaders and the treachery inside. Almost half the state was allowed to be occupied by Pakistan. The rest of the state was handed over to the Muslims of Kashmir, virtually in perpetual possession. A decade after a part of the state was meekly left to be occupied by China. The subsidiary alliance with the west consolidated the Muslim states into a closer uniformity, around the concept of the unity of the Muslim Ummah and its role in a world divided on ideological basis and a new political sociology of the Muslim power, which was ideologically committed to the theological imperatives of Islam. The foundation of Pakistan therefore, was the first expression of the pan-Islamic unity of the Muslim Ummah and the beginning of the evolution of the fundamentalisation of the Muslim society. The Muslim state of Pakistan, lost no time to underline its commitment to the theological imperatives of Islam. The claim of the Muslim power to unite on the basis of the theological imperatives of Islam underlined a conflict, which was more fundamental than the conflict in the ideologies of States. It underlined a conflict in ideologies of the civilization. The first expression of the conflict which the western powers supported wholly, was the Muslim resistance to the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and the Muslim crusade launched to annex the Jammu and Kashmir state. The subsidiary alliance of the Muslims with the powers of the West lost their anchor with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. The Muslim revolution came to a dead end for it suddenly found the Western powers, erstwhile partners in their alliances of the Cold War, emerge out as the sole-super power with a set of commitments to a new world in which the Muslim states, were reduced to their original shape and size. The Muslim crusade in Kashmir, did not lead to intervention of Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir, because western powers were no longer interested in the expansion of the Muslim power to the east into India. The terrorist operatives, must therefore, be viewed in the their historical context. Jews and Hindus are the two defined enemies of the battle for the ascendance of Islam and the unity of the Muslim Umah. Buddhism was defeated with the Bamiyan demolitions. The terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir was never cross-border terrorism. It formed a new genus of international terrorism, which marked the advance of the Muslim power into India under the banner of Islam. The terrorist attack on the United State is an inseparable part of the same Muslim crusade. [Courtesy: Kashmir Sentinel] |
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